Friday, September 6, 2019

RAMKRISHNA - Comics illustrated an written by Pradip Chakraborty

RAMKRISHNA - Comics illustrated an written by Pradip Chakraborty. It is published in Bengali language.

Ramyana comis for children - Comics proposal to all Publishers

Ramyana comis for children  - I have created two sample page for Ramayana comics project. It is based on the Hindu mithological story.

I am looking for publishers, who will be interested to publish this book. The comics will have outstanding illustrations, highly attractive script, Fun, Action. Illustration and Script by Pradip Chakraborty.

The comics can be published in any Language. So, I want publishers from all over the world.

Vivekananda - comics illustration and written by Pradip Chakraborty

Vivekananda Comics 

Friday, August 30, 2019

New Comics (Bengali, English, Hindi) creation - Publisher wanted

I wanted to create a comics story series with my own story.  I created a draft page for the comics story. So that you understand the style of illustration for the comics.

Professor Prithivi is a very talented scientist from India. He helps everybody even other scientists also. Everybody believe that he has the power to solve all problem. He has the power to fight against crime and all evil power. 

I am looking for a publisher, who can give me the economic support to create this comics book series.

Please mail me

Misti Kutum And The Hunter Hawks - illustrated child book with beautiful story

Misti Kutum And The Hunter Hawks - illustrated child book with beautiful story.